Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Greece's Next Top Model, THE FINALE!

Yes, Greece's Next Top Model has recently finished their 2nd Cycle! Let me say, I was not dissapointed. Actually, I was a little. I just cannot believe Ioanna got 4th place! I think she deserved to win, but at least it wasn't Helena or Evangelia!

I think I'll go in order of placements-

Ioanna, 4th place.

4. Ioanna
Ioanna was always one of my favorite girls this cycle. She was very skilled, had a beautiful high fashion face, and was just plain amazing! Her portfolio was definitely, in my opinion, one of the best of the cycle. I also hear she did amazing on the final runway show! Why did she get 4th place? Simply because she was shorter than the other 3. Yes, height can be a problem for a model, but I doubt that it would be a problem for Ioanna. I just can't believe she lost, and what I really can't believe she was eliminated before Helena or Evangelia!
Please Ioanna, prove to the judges that you should've won and that you were so much better than the other 3! I beg of you! ^.^
I just know you will.
Please see the full size version of the photo to the left. (click on it.)

Helena, 3rd place.

3. Helena
Let me start off by saying this:
It was a big joke that she made it into the final 10. She had no skill at all. She doesn't look like a model. Her look is EXTREMELY plain. And I hear that when she was eliminated, that the host told her that "she has a beautiful personality." That, that right there, is just stupid. First of all, she constantly talked about Jian Nan for not talking to the other girls. (Jian Nan was originally from China, and was not very good with Greek.) In fact, when Jian Nan was already crying, Helena told the judges that Jian Nan was fake. Second, I hear that not only was she rude to people when the girls went shopping, but she stuck a dollar in a man's face. Although I heard her walk was amazing, I highly doubt she will ever walk a couture/high fashion runway in her life. Honestly, how did she get anywhere near this far?

Evangelia, Runner-Up

2. Evangelia
I never really liked Evangelia. There were very few times where I thought she was the best amongst the girls. But, there's no denying, Evangelia did have lots of talent. Also, to me, her look translated into "drag" many times that I saw her. Although many people have stated that she had the best walk among the girls. Another thing about Evangelia is that she let her body go when she was on the show. I heard about both her and Helena gaining weight on the show, and I also heard that they were starting to get cellulite. This is a really bad thing, because a model must always take care of her body. Although I have no doubt that she will be successful in the future. I do wish her luck.

Cindorella, Winner

1. Cindorella
Cindorella was my second choice for winner, right after Ioanna. Cindorella's look is very in right now in fashion, and was very good at modeling throughout the competition. No surprise. Did you know she was in a Diane Von Furstenburg fashion show before being on GNTM? Anyway, the point is she was a good choice. Although I'm rather dissapointed in the Greek viewers of the show. People are hating Cindorella now because she was originally from Albania. This is just ridiculous, because the winner of Cycle 1 was originally from Switzerland, yet the viewers loved her. Cindorella came to Greece when she was 2 years old, and Seraina (Cycle 1 Winner) came to Greece when she was 18. It's honestly ridiculous. It's even stupider because people loved her before the finale aired. But whatever. Cindy will definitely make an amazing winner.

Ioanna Dedi,
Greece's Next Top Model Cycle 1
4th place.
My elimination order of the final 4:
4. Helena
3. Evangelia
2. Cindorella
1. Ioanna

Although, none of these girls can compare to Ioanna Dedi of Cycle 1!
Ioanna Dedi will always remain one of my favorite contestants of any NTM ever.

And yes, Ioanna from Cycle 1 was my winner of that Cycle too ;D

Friday, February 11, 2011

Charlotte Free, The Pink-Haired Model

Charlotte Free

Charlotte Free isn't a major model, but I hope that will change soon! ^.^
Charlotte is currently signed with IMG Models NY, and is on the Development board.

Why do I like Charlotte so much?
She has pink hair ;D

Most models these days would never have pink hair,
but I think that it makes her stand out.
Also, as an aspiring designer, I would book Charlotte JUST because she has pink hair.
Let alone her bone structure and eyes... *drools*

Charlotte in the Charlotte Ronson show

Charlotte in the Richard Chai show
I know the season just started,
But Charlotte also walked in the Richard Chai & Charlotte Ronson FW 2011 fashion shows!
I'm honestly hoping more people will hire her, because I really want to see her go big :D

and @ IMG:

Please keep her hair pink.
Love, me.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Best Top 4 in ANTM History

ANTM has really been impressing me this cycle. Well, with the exception of Terra, Chris, and Sara (the least high fashion girls the cycle).

Although the remaining 4 girls aren't the best this cycle, they are definitely the best final 4 ANTM has ever seen. They still don't compare to some other NTM's, but their pretty close.

The girls who are actually in the top 4 are:
Kayla, Jane, Chelsey, & Ann

Out of all 14 girls this cycle, the ones who are capable of top 4 are/were:
Rhianna, Jane, Chelsey, Ann, Kayla

I'm hoping Jane, Chelsey, or Ann will win. Kayla would be okay, but I think Ann would be the most successful. And based on the photos and previews from next week, Kayla should be eliminated.

I think the top 2 should be Jane & Chelsey, but either of them could be switched with Rhianna.

Let's hope the judges don't dissapoint ;)

The Fashion Show, *Iman voice* THE PREMIERE!

Let's hope she doesn't dissapoint
I was very impressed with the season premiere of The Fashion Show. Partly because of Iman. Take notes Kelly, because Iman set the judging straight. I totally agree with everything she said, and she was much nicer than Kelly. Although after seeing her get mad at Calvin I'd be extremely scared to stand in front of her XD\
But yes, Iman is a sweet person, and she definitely knows what she is saying. I'm surprised I can actually say that about a Reality TV competition's host. (Hopes Iman's spot is permanent)

Now let's talk about the bitches of the episode:
Calvin & Francine
Calvin: WE DID A VOTE!
Calvin seems to be new at speaking English, and has a very heavy accent like Merlin from last season. Let's all hope they end up not having to subtitle everything Calvin says in the future. Hopefully he stops arguing with everyone, stops acting like the boss, and acting like he knows the most out of his group.
Now Francine pissed me off even more. Does anyone remember Anamaria from Cycle 15 of ANTM? What do Francine and Anamaria have in common?
1. They're over-confident
2. They thought they would win
3. They were the first one eliminated
Quite humorous, isn't it? Oh yeah, Francine was also annoying. She had Calvin help her sew her ugly dress, and decided to get an attitude with him later. She could've been much nicer about the situation. Also, why is it that she decided to tell Calvin to stfu and then criticize his English? I would've been criticizing her unwashed hair. Oh yeah, she would've been eliminated even if Calvin didn't help her. She would've given up because she can't sew, and then she wouldn't have sent anything down the runway. Of course she'll leave for that.
Oh yeah, Calvin's dress was pretty bad. The jewels weren't good, and the cauliflower growing out of the models butt wasn't cute. He also shouldn't have made it so that his dress did so many things. Are you going to show all of those things on the runway? No. Keep it to your dress doing one or 2 things, well expressed by the coat with an alternative function challenge last season.
My favorites for now are definitely the 2 BFF's, Cindy & Golnessa. I loved the outfits the sent down the runway. Although the back of Cindy's was pretty bad, and Golnessa didn't follow the challenge very well. They were the best 2 of their team. I really was impressed by them as well. Especially Golnessa. I loved the flowers on the shoulder, and it was just a beautiful dress. Although I do agree: Cesar should've won.
I can't believe I agree with the judges already ^.^
Let's hope they keep it right next week too ^.~

Saturday, November 6, 2010

My Overall Thoughts on the Project Runway Season 8 Finale

Project Runway's Season 8 Finale aired only a short time ago.
Guess what!? I was disappointed in the results.
Let's start with what Tim Gunn thought:

I agree when he says the Michael & Nina are crack smokers. ^.~
The "Wearable" Panties Gretchen Designed
Let's start with Nina:
First of all, one of Nina's defenses for Gretchen winning was, "you could find her clothes in a department store!" or something like that. How ironic is it that that is the usual excuse she uses to try and eliminate someone? Hmmm... that seems odd. Also, since when are high fashion clothes found in a department store? I'm sure you wouldn't see clothes from designers like Alexander McQueen or Versace in a department store.

And now we'll move on to Michael Kors:
Isn't he the one that said Gretchen's collection was where fashion was headed? If so, I wonder when people will start wearing panties made out of sweat pants material while walking down the street. I think most people would look absolutely ridiculous if they wore panties outside in broad daylight, and I'm sure most would easily agree with me. I've also yet to see a pair of panties go down the runway in New York. Well, up until I saw Gretchen's collection.
Mondo's Polka Dot Dress

And what was up with Michael and Nina not liking Mondo's polka dot dress? It was clearly the best of the season.

Mondo's collection was clearly the best out of the 3. In fact, it was also better than all 7 of the decoy collections as well. It was the best of all of the 10 collections produced by the Project Runway designers this season. It had color, every single piece could be worn by multiple age groups, it was just so interesting and artistic. It's probably one of my favorite collections in Project Runway history.
Andy's Pleated Dress

I thought that the judges really underrated Andy's collection too. I actually loved the head pieces in his collection. I thought that they added an interesting effect to the collection, and seemed very whimsical. Many of the pieces were elegant and beautiful, while some could just be worn while walking around on the street.

In my honest opinion the final 2 should've been Andy & Mondo, with Mondo winning. Mondo's collection was fashion forward, no matter what Nina & Michael Kors think. I'm sure Mondo will have loads of customers in the future. There'll NEVER be another designer like Mondo. I'm hoping Mondo will keep his unique sense of style, and hopefully we'll all see him in NY Fashion Week for every season of the year :D

Oh, but before I go, how about a little parting present? ;D
And look, there's a 3rd pair of panties ala Gretchen
Another Pair of Gretchen's Panties,

Friday, November 5, 2010

Hello Internet! ;D

Hello internet!
I am now starting a blog ^.^
I'll be speaking of things such as:
____'s Next Top Model,
Project Runway,
Fashion Week,
Etc. ^.^

It could be quite entertaining, so stay tuned, keep watch for new posts, and all that stuff ^.~