Saturday, November 13, 2010

Best Top 4 in ANTM History

ANTM has really been impressing me this cycle. Well, with the exception of Terra, Chris, and Sara (the least high fashion girls the cycle).

Although the remaining 4 girls aren't the best this cycle, they are definitely the best final 4 ANTM has ever seen. They still don't compare to some other NTM's, but their pretty close.

The girls who are actually in the top 4 are:
Kayla, Jane, Chelsey, & Ann

Out of all 14 girls this cycle, the ones who are capable of top 4 are/were:
Rhianna, Jane, Chelsey, Ann, Kayla

I'm hoping Jane, Chelsey, or Ann will win. Kayla would be okay, but I think Ann would be the most successful. And based on the photos and previews from next week, Kayla should be eliminated.

I think the top 2 should be Jane & Chelsey, but either of them could be switched with Rhianna.

Let's hope the judges don't dissapoint ;)

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